Paper Award
A best paper award will be assigned by the chairmen and the co-chairmen in honor of Ermanno Grinzato, AITA co-chairman for a long time and known scientist in the thermography community.
The awards
7th Under 35 years best paper award
The award aims at encouraging innovative studies of young researchers in some of the topics of interest for the workshop. The prize, reserved to under 35 years old main authors, shall be a money prize and an official certificate. The prize will be delivered to the winner during an ceremony on the last day of conference.
Terms and Conditions
Eligibility for the award
Candidates to the award should meet the following requirements to join the competition:
- Age: the candidate must be under 35 years old (born after 15th September 1990)
- Authorship: the candidate must be the first author of the submission
- Registration: the candidate must be registered to the conference
- Participation: the candidate must be the presenting author of the submitted work (please check the speaker option during the submission process)
- Notification: after the submission of the 250-word abstract, candidates must notify the committee ( by email that they are eligible to the prize
Selection Criteria
The awarded paper will be selected by the Conference Committee according to the following criteria:
- Scientific relevance
- Pertinence to the Conference Topics
- Novelty of the work
- Clarity of presentation