Domestic Academic Activities
JSNDI has a variety of technical committees supporting academic investigation and research on NDT. Technical papers and reviews appear in the official, "Journal of JSNDI". The Research and Technical Development Center was established for the purpose of strengthening academic investigation and research functions, and as an academic database.
●Research & Technical Committees
There are eight elemental technology divisions, and four applied technology divisions. Each division holds meetings for the presentation of research papers and open symposium. In addition, each also has several specialized sub-committees which supports the Society with standardization activities.
Research and Technical committees |
Number of Subcommittees |
Number of Members (approx.) |
Radiographic Testing |
0 |
340 |
Ultrasonic Testing |
1 |
910 |
Magnetic Particle,Penetrant and Visual Testing |
1 |
460 |
Electromagnetic Testing |
1 |
210 |
Leak Testing |
0 |
100 |
Stress and Strain Measurement |
1 |
150 |
Acoustic Emission |
0 |
130 |
Infrared Thermographic Testing |
0 |
140 |
In-Proccess Inspection |
0 |
150 |
Maintenance Inspection |
0 |
320 |
Non-Destructive Testing of Reinforced Concrete |
4 |
300 |
Non-Destructive Evaluation of New Materials |
0 |
130 |
●Ad Hoc Research & Technical Groups
These groups exchange information on particular topical issues to promote technical development and common understanding and are formed for a limited time of two years. The following two groups are active as of September 1, 2019. Each group holds two to three meetings a year.
Ad Hoc Research & Technical Groups |
Study group for X-Ray residual stress measurement by cosa method |
●Annual Conferences and Symposiums
The annual conference focuses on all sectors of nondestructive inspection, testing, and evaluation techniques, and is held once a year, in fall in another selected area of Japan.
Symposiums: Symposiums, which focus on specific technical themes, are held on a regular basis every year. The following symposiums are currently being held.
Symposiums |
Symposium on Non-destructive Inspection |
Stress-Strain Measurment and Strength Evaluation |
NDE of Radiographic Testing |
Acoustic Emission |
NDE of Ultrasonic Testing |
NDE of New Materials |
Non-destructive Surface Testing |
NDT of Concrete Structure |
NDE 4.0 |
International Academic Activities
The Society sponsors an International Acoustic Emission Symposium (IAES) every two years, and co-sponsored the US-Japan Symposiums on Advances in NDT which were held in Hawaii in 1996, 1999, 2005, 2010, 2014 and 2018. It also cooperates with WCNDT, APCNDT, ECNDT and APFNDT as a member society.